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Blog #4: And here's how I get my dream job.

Image result for dream job

You’re here at SDSU. You’re going to graduate. You’re going to get a job, or you’re going to keep going to school and then get a job. What job?

This blog post asks you to do some research on the career that seems most probable at this point.

Your blog post should include the following information?
        What is this job? Why do you want this job?
        What duties does this job include? What skills does it require? Is this an inside or an outside job? What tools do you use? What industry is this part of?
        Who might someone with this career work with? Where would someone with this job work? What companies might someone work with? (Is there a favorite you have? Is there a difference?) Write about some of these companies.
      What kind of education or training or both is required? Give some details about what that entails. Are internships paid or unpaid? How do you get those internships?
        What kind of career advancement is there? What are your goals at this point?
        Use to find out what pay ranges, what makes the difference in pay ranges, and future growth of this industry.

Use images. Use at least three sources to support your discussion. Use hyperlinks appropriately.
        Write like you’re writing for your blog. Conversational voice.


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